A downloadable Delivery for Windows

Game created in 4 Days for [The Spacespy Jam 2021]

Have you ever thought: [What does it feel like to work in a Delivery?], So here we bring you a little Demonstration ...

You will have to work as a Delivery, and also feel the pressure to Arrive on time for Deliveries. You have 10 Seconds for each delivery, each time you have more packages delivered, the less time you will have! You have a small help in the form of an arrow that guides you to the Delivery Point.

[Deliveries are Completely Random]

This game has the intelligence, to translate the game for you...

Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


[OverTime] Executable 3.3 MB

Install instructions

  • Download the [OverTime] file.
  • Extract the [.zip] File.
  • Execute the [.exe] File


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hey dude are you ok? i havnt seen you online in about a week and im getting worryed


Hi, a heads up that this game is not blind friendly in it's current state. For a game to be "blind friendly", a totally blind person must be able to begin the game with no sighted help. When I run the game, all I get is music, there are no audio instructions. My advice might be to include the tolk screen reader abstraction library, whic will allow screen readers like NVDA to work with some games. Alternatively you could use Microsoft Sapi, or have someone record dialogue for you that can then be used for the game. I am really liking the music so far, although I'm now really curious how this game actually works.

Hey! I’m Sorry by all it…

Is what i had very little Time to All It… By it the Game not is very Good.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great Game! The music, presentation and pretty much everything including the concept is very good. 

Hey mate! Thanks for that comment…

[Could you record a GamePlay?]

The game doesnt sadly run for me! Thats a bit sad, but from the screenshots the game looks real fun! Good job <3

What do you mean that doesn’t work for you? Do you have MacOs or Linux? if is for that, also is Available on Web


I have a mac! But the web version doesnt load O:


Sorry, it was my fault apparently, I’ll try to fix it and let you know


Maybe you want to try it again, I don’t know…

If it still doesn’t open then I’m sorry but I can’t do anything else … Maybe it’s an error with GameMaker: Studio and Webl, but we tried

Hey!! Download this program to be able to use Window applications on MacOs it is very simple

Parallel Desktop

Could You Make it to Time?